
Brad Pitt tries out my long-time look; from The Big Short/my kitchen (that’s me on the right)

Steve A. Wiggins, obscure private intellectual and recovering academic.

Who am I?  That’s a question I’ve been trying to answer as soon as I learned to ask it.  If you have the answer, please email me!

“Everybody has to have a hometown, Binghamton’s mine.” The words belong to Rod Serling, creator of The Twilight Zone. Since everybody has to have a hometown, I’ll confess that mine is Rouseville, Pennsylvania.

Actually, I was born in a working class family in Franklin, Pennsylvania (where an episode of The X-Files was set) and grew up as a blue collar laborer. My family moved to the tiny town of Rouseville when I was entering my teens. The image below is of a place that no longer exists. Rouseville, as I explain in a book I’m currently working on, was once one of the headquarters of Pennzoil. The petroleum processing plant in this photo was dismantled years ago. The house I lived in, not far away, has been torn down. As was the apartment building I lived in before that, in Franklin. And the house I lived in before that. (I do my best to leave no traces.) As this photo shows, no matter how hard you scrub a blue collar, it just won’t become white. Somewhere between “Those stubborn stains!” and “Out, damned spot!” I suppose.

I watched the Twilight Zone and looked for meaning.  Eventually I discovered that books could take me to other places and you could get them cheap.  I cut my reading teeth on the Bible, but other books had their enticements as well.  Other kids thought I was weird.   What if the place you belonged was a hell of smokestacks, massive petroleum vats, and unthinking compliance?  Rod help me.

Approaching the Twilight Zone

I attended Grove City College and majored in Religion, intending to be a minister. I declined an invitation to apply to Phi Beta Kappa. For seminary I selected Boston University School of Theology. I applied for transfer to Harvard Divinity School, was accepted, and decided not to make the switch. I don’t always make smart choices, I guess. While at BUSTh I decided to pursue a doctorate overseas, as recommended by the faculty there. “There are going to be lots of teaching jobs in the ’90s,” they said. I’m not the only one to misread situations from time to time.

During a gap year I went to Israel to work on an archaeological dig—Tel Dor, near Haifa—got engaged, moved from Boston, Massachusetts to Ann Arbor, Michigan, got married in Iowa, and moved to Edinburgh, Scotland to begin my doctorate. What a gap! I completed my Ph.D. at Edinburgh University in 1992 and was hired to teach Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) at Nashotah House Episcopal Seminary in Wisconsin. My first book, A Reassessment of Asherah, was published in 1993. It is, of course, my doctoral dissertation.

While at Nashotah House I wrote my second book, Weathering the Psalms (not published until 2014). I taught for a year at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin. A change of administration led to the loss of my Nashotah House job, and my second book languished patiently while I taught in various part-time capacities at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Rutgers University, and Montclair State University, the latter two after moving to New Jersey (home of the Jersey Devil). I also worked in publishing, starting off as a freelance editor for the Society of Biblical Literature, then as an acquisitions editor at Gorgias Press and Routledge (an Informa company). From there I took on my current position. I work remotely from New York City. My third book, Holy Horror, was published by McFarland Books in late 2018. My fourth book, Nightmares with the Bible, appeared in late 2020.  I have a knack for missing the natural Halloween boost for books on horror movies. My fifth book The Wicker Man is about, well, The Wicker Man. It was published in 2023, the 50th anniversary of the film.  Several more books lurk on my hard drive in various states of completion.  Check out my Amazon author page.

Although I didn’t realize it until recently, I’m a late “Monster Boomer.” That partially explains—but doesn’t excuse—these most recent books. A lifelong fascination with monsters leads me to blog frequently on the topic (see Sects and Violence for these posts) and eventually begin writing books on horror.

I began writing with the intention of publishing when I was in middle school. I was co-editor of The Refiner, the official Oil City High School newspaper. A few of my short stories were published in that venue. My senior year I won a state-wide essay contest on the topic of “Americanism.” Also in high school I learned the best writing advice I’ve ever received from the faculty advisor to the creative writing club: “Write every day, even if it’s just for fifteen minutes.” This teacher remains a major source of inspiration to me. His advice has proven sound—slow and steady may not get you an agent, but the books will find a home.

In addition to the publications listed on this website, I continue to write fiction as well. Several of my short stories have been published under a pseudonym. One of them was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I have completed seven novels; don’t go looking for them—none of them have been published. Most of my writing is heavily metaphorical. I like digging.

This website includes my blog, “Sects and Violence in the Ancient World,” as well as information about my books.  Every book is a story in itself.  They help to define a writer’s life.  A full list of my non-fiction publications can be found on my CV, located under the “CV” tab.  Want to contact me? Leave a comment saying so.


Steve A. Wiggins, Ph.D.
erstwhile academic
compulsive reader
indefatigable writer
sometime editor
dangerously curious
failed priest
non-judgmental vegan

Six word bio: Missed the first day of school

25 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: New Sects and Violence Biblioblog – Steve A. Wiggins « The Biblioblog Top 50

    • Dear Mr. Wiggins,
      I enjoyed your blog on the Pirates of the Caribbean. You seem at once, and at the same time delighted and puzzled,, surprised, shall we say, by the movies, You seem to grasp something hidden, just out of reach.
      If you want to understand the “Pirate” movies let me give you a hint. Focus on the curious and secretive Club 33 which is located above the New Orleans section of the theme park. Why is the pirate theme of the park emphasized in connection with Club 33?
      There is something much deeper.
      Calypso, by the way, means something hidden and concealed. Supposedly, Kalypso means ‘concealed knowledge.’ Over the years, the pirate series was not the only thing thing concealed within Disney movies and its theme parks. Mr. Disney, was after all, a Freemason.


  2. tony lee

    I googled moses and found your moses picture linked to your website. Can I use it for my powerpoint presentation at my church. This is not a commercial usage. Thank you.


    • Steve Wiggins

      Hi Tony,

      I have no problem with any images I use being reused for this purpose. I may not be the copyright holder to the image, but PowerPoint presentations are generally okay.


  3. After you commented on my blog, I decided to check yours out. I have really enjoyed it. Here’s my brief take on religious violence. It is a reaction to societal change, and it goes like this:
    Change –> Fear –> Draw Boundaries (Fundamentalism) –> “Us vs. Them” –> Violence. The other response to change is this:
    Change –> Challenge –> Understanding –> Relationship –> Peace.

    I added you to my blog roll. Have a happy whatever.


    • Steve Wiggins

      Thanks for the comments, Robb! Your analysis is good, I think. My main concern is what we can do about it. Perhaps blogging is the new frontier, maybe we can make a difference.


  4. Pingback: There, there! A (brand new) Bible for the con-servants « The UnderBlog

  5. Andrea Creel

    Hi, I just discovered that you have a blog and looking forward to reading itI Your 1993 book about Asherah was a big influence on my undergraduate thesis and I’m excited to learn that you’ve written more on the subject. Currently, I’m a PhD Candidate at Berkeley in Near Eastern Archaeology, specializing in ritual and religion in the Southern Levant and your material on Asherah is still some of the best I’ve seen.


    • Steve Wiggins

      Many thanks for your kind words, Andrea. The academic world never afforded me a career, but I still think about these things quite a bit. I hope you find some of what I write here to be of some interest. It is nice to know my book hasn’t disappeared completely! -Steve


  6. max

    I really enjoy your website and your insight after stubmling upon it from ol’Arturo Vasquez. I do have to ask if you have a booklist? Maybe some Listmania action on amazon. Thanks, Max


    • Steve Wiggins

      Hi Max,

      Thanks for asking. I don’t have a booklist yet, but it’s not a bad idea. One of these days when I’ve got some time…


  7. Pingback: Discount Nightmares | Steve A. Wiggins

      • Rod Lovett

        Dear Steve,

        Thank you so much for your inquiry! I must beg your forgiveness for I wrote a story about you in my mind before I had even read much about you or of your work. For my shame! I should have written a question instead…

        ”Are you a Thief and a Robber?

        You are more educated than I in many ways and recognize immediately this is from John 10. A simple question, “Are you seeking to enter the kingdom of hope and light in any other way than through the Savior?”

        I am afraid you are. Looking for the right things in the wrong places.

        If this is so, please turn back and read again the full book John has written…and in this “recent” book, find the ancient books of Isaiah and Genesis fulfilled in the Center of the Universe…Jesus. He is God, He is Love. He did not come to condemn as men so often do…maybe Irving’s father and perhaps yours also as well as unworthy me. Instead of condemning, He came to offer God’s unfailing love, He came to draw men to God, to suffer in their stead as Isaiah predicted of the True Servant. And even today He ever “lives to intercede” for those who turn to Him.

        That Sixty-six books from Genesis to Revelation were written over 1500 years by 40 different authors and have one message and theme proves inspiration by God’s Spirit. That message is about the One true Priest and King and the one relationship all men need with God made possible by this Person of All Time…Jesus. All else can be cute…but worthless if not focused on Him. And may all men be drawn to Him…sooner than later.

        Again, thank you for your inquiry. Thank you for your investigations, for your study, for your pursuit of truth! May it indeed be sincere and pure. And please forgive me for writing a story when I should have asked a question. And please correct me!



        • Thanks, Rod. No apologies necessary. I was raised as a very conservative Christian and did what seemed the only reasonable thing in such circumstances—trained to be a minister. I’m historically inclined, however, and my education led me to conclusions somewhat different from those in which I was raised.

          My main goal is to be honest about what I find. I make light on nobody’s religious beliefs, but I see great value in examining those beliefs closely. Being an historian I trace Ideas back to their origins. There are many (perhaps too many) resources out there with which to do this.

          Many people, some quite close to me, disagree on many of these things. I do see a blog as a kind of dialogue, but also hopefully a website where people can learn what I honestly believe I have discovered through reading and conversations. If I’d remained a professor I probably wouldn’t have started this blog at all. It’s my “voice” on the internet, as small as it is.

          Thanks for reading and for your concerns!



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