Steve A. Wiggins

Young, and in Maine, contemplating

You’ve found the website of Steve A. Wiggins, an obscure, private intellectual and recovering academic.  It’s a strange place where books, horror, religion, politics, spirituality, and jaded optimism lurk.  The views on all parts of this website are the personal opinions of Steve A. Wiggins, and should be in no way construed to reflect the views of any institution or employer, past, present, or future, so there!  Now that that’s out of the way, click any of the menus above to explore. I promise you nobody else thinks like me.

Looking for Sects and Violence?  Click here, or use the “Blog” menu at the top of the page, and you’ll be taken there.

If you’re looking for Holy Horror or Nightmares with the Bible, or The Wicker Man info, check out My Books (or use the menus above), and be sure to check out my Amazon page and YouTube channel.

I’m not sure if this is an apology or a disclaimer, but I work on this website (and my books) totally alone (watch my videos and this will become clear!). The viewpoints and opinions found on any of my pages or sites are mine alone and reflect nothing of any employer or interested party, past or present.

More recent, still contemplating